
American Time and Labor Company and its subsidiaries and related entities (“the Company”) endeavor to assist employers in their efforts to comply with applicable state and federal labor laws—specifically those related to overtime, mandated meal and rest periods, and related record keeping requirements. Notwithstanding these efforts, and because such legal requirements often vary among the states, or between federal, state and/or local laws and regulations, it is important that your organization consider the Company’s products as merely a tool to assist you in your ongoing efforts to comply with all applicable labor laws. While the Company’s products are intended and designed to assist employers with their compliance efforts, you should always work closely with legal counsel or other appropriately-trained personnel within your organization to ensure that your compliance efforts are effectively managed and updated from time to time. The Company and its related entities are not responsible for any claims, lawsuits or actions of any type brought against your organization, or for any related damages, injuries or judgments.

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